Tuesday 4 April 2017

Let's go shopping!Kdrama Review:Shopping king louis

Image result for shopping king louie
I loved this show.
Three words. Simple, fun, adorable. it happens very often where you can find good written fun drama. Shopping king Louis is worth your time, I promise. Fell in love with Seo In Guk instantly after watching this drama. The male lead is complete oppopsite from what we've seen in dramaland. He is sweet, innocent who needs to be protected from the world! and our female lead does the job beautifully.

Cast: 10/10
Plot: 8/10
enjoyment: 10/10

A romantic comedy about Louis (Seo In-guk), a rich heir who always spends money to buy everything that has a subtle beauty talking to his soul. One day he loses his memory and meets Bok-Shil (Nam Ji-hyun), a pure and energetic woman from the countryside. She is at first astounded by his spending habits. In the process of teaching him to only buy bare necessities or inexpensive small kindnesses that lighten up one's day, she also learns that bare necessities are not same for everyone as they depend on everyone's own values that shape their life and thus their shopping patterns. Both have innate innocence which bring them to care for each other, leading to undeniable love.
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I can't explain you enough how cute and pure the characters are from this drama if you haven't watch the show yet.First of all, it breaks all the cliche of rich guy-poor girl in dramaland. For a change you won't see any Love-hate relationship between leads or parents being against their relationship. He's the most down to earth chaebol I've ever seen. His character was simply pure and full of generosity. I've never missed a character or attached to it after so long time.
Image result for shopping king louie

  • Louis: Best.Best.Best. He is an innocent chaebol who doesn't know anything about the world. He was never negative. In dramas, you expect the male lead to change but in this show Louis always was the same person deep down. Even after he lost his memories and became homeless he was the same person. I loved how he learnt how to be mature, even after gaining so many experiences he never lost his innocence and pureness, In simple sentence I MISS LOUIS!
  • His puppy face whenever he asked for money from bok shil was pure gem! It always worked.
Image result for louis from shopaholic louis puppy face
Image result for louis from shopaholic louis puppy face
Image result for louis from shopaholic louis puppy face
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Image result for louis from shopaholic louis puppy face

  • Bok-shil: This girl is adorable. I loved how innocent she is, even though she is mature enough to understand what is bad and good, she never failed to impress  us with her warm heart. She is always helpful to others. Can I just say how much I appreciate her boldness. She was always the one who fought with others for Louis,  nearly saved him from goons, and she was the bread-maker of their small little happy family.
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  • I loved how this show demonstrates the difficulties of different situations. For instance, I loved the way they bought a house, and created their small little world of happiness. ah! cute 
  • My favourite scene was everytime little Louis gets happy because of bok shil's kindness! Loved the way Louis slowly learnt how to develop feelings even though he was a child himself. I never was prepared for Louis who's so innocent and childlike will fall in love.  Seriously, when Louis kissed bok shil for the first time, only thoughts were going through my mind was ''Is it the innocent and childlike Louis I know??'' I so not was prepared.
Image result for shopping king louie first kiss
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  • The second male lead: Although I don't consider him as second lead, he played more of a father role for our leads. I enjoyed his character very much. He was short-tempered but kind guy. I enjoyed his prickly personality more than anything , had a good laugh while watching him fight with louis for bok shil. I liked the idea of his face staying in exact same reaction throughout the whole series. I hated the age difference between him and bok shil, he was 40 and bok shil was 21, How does he fall in love with a girl, exact half his age! but then again love has no age. sigh!
Image result for shopping king louie second lead
  • The main point in this drama is you will never get sick of cuteness, if you have a same drama taste as me. Before watching the show I thought I would eventually become bored of this drama but I happy to announce that it never happened! You will become so invested in characters that you can't stop but fall in love with them.
  • The show wasn't rushing in any sense. It was going slowly and smoothly. It was really well written that everything was just happening one by one. Overall The show was very organized with the story line. And the ending♥ I just loved how the leads got more closer after the ending. LOVED IT!
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  • I want to take a moment to appreciate the cinematography. It was beautiful. straightway you will get the happy vibe from this drama. If you want to watch a happy fun loving drama after a long day, just watch this drama, I promise it will put a smile on your face. The drama has this pastel vibe♥
Image result for shopping king louie cinematography
Final grading: A*