Sunday 26 February 2017

Best Drama? Kdrama Review:She was pretty!

Most cutest story-line ever.
I enjoyed this drama from the beginning, From the point it started and to the point it ended. Everything was pure,warm and cozy.This show didn't fail to make me love kdramas even more.
Definitely recommended if you are looking for a light-hearted rom-com with some great acting skills, and warm OST. This drama is one of very favourite, which I can re-watch anytime without getting worried and enjoy it.
Satisfying, Warm. Simple.

PLOT: solid 8/10
CAST: 9/10
OVERALL: 10/10

Kim Hye-jin was a very pretty girl from a rich family. After her family's publishing company went bankrupt, she experienced hardships then lost her beauty too. Ji Sung-joon was an unattractive boy with low self-esteem, but grows up as a handsome and successful editor.
The two decided to meet again as adults, but Sung-joon was unable to recognize Hye-jin. Ashamed to meet her first love and ruin his perception of her, Hye-jin asks her attractive best friend, Ha-ri, to appear in her place. Things, however, soon get complicated as Hye-jin was assigned to work at The Most magazine publishing office where Sung-joon is the deputy chief editor. He openly mistreats and belittles her for her clumsy nature, not knowing that she was his real childhood friend. Ha-ri also continues to meet Sung-joon, and soon develops feelings for him. On the other hand, Hye-jin finds a good friend in her workplace, Shin-hyuk, who slowly falls in love with her.

This drama was full of goods. I am pretty satisfied with the show in case you still haven't figured it out. 
The show didn't fail to make it's plot interesting in every episode. I found something new and funny in each episode. 
One thing I genuinely loved how the show had this thing with ''supporting characters''. It delivered a warm message that ''life as a supporting character isn't bad, in fact in life, supporting characters has more greater stories''. Even better, the show started of with this concept and kept going with it until the end of this drama. Its was filled with lots of positivity which I truly adored.
  • Characters: Characters in ''She was pretty'' was all relatable and sweet. There wasn't any great conflict going on from the start to end, yet it delivered everything perfectly and smoothly. I don't have any complains for the characters as every single one of them was very refreshing. . I loved and cared about each character even the minor ones and I cannot say that about many dramas lately.If you ask me, My favourite character will be Shin hyuk(si won) I am surprisingly impressed with Si won. He was just perfect for this role, He was amazingly hilarious. Everytime he called Hye jin ''jackson'', everytime he was there as a friend for hye jin to share their sorrow, it just felt great and lovable. I never felt bad for him for the fact that he didn't get the girl, that's because for me as a viewer,I always looked at him as Hye-jin's awesome friend who's always there for her when she needs someone to have a drink and talk. (thank god, I didn't had second lead syndrome) I started this drama for Park seo joon's handsome face but ended up staying for Hye-jin and Si won.
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Image result for she was pretty hye jin

  • Can I say that I lived for Si won's flawless and cheesy facial expressions. His quirky facial reaction is in one side and the rest of the show is in another. Even though he was a funny character, the director didn't forget to add si-won's magnificent abs in episode 11 or 12!
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Image result for she was pretty siwon abs

  • I loved how much Hye jin loves Ha ri. Ha-ri annoyed me most of the time of the show. For example, the writer stretched her confession scene way too much. Everytime she wanted to confess about her ''sin'' shall I say? She just couldn't say anything for some reason. but yet, when Hye jin found out, she didn't get mad at all, but she kept giving her space until her best friend was completely fine. I enjoyed the fact that despite being a rich and beautiful woman, she never left Hye-jin. 
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  • Loved and appreciate every single endearing scenes between our main couple, Hye'jin and hari's friendship and Siwon and hye jin scenes. OVERALL, LOVED THE SHOW. It was a simple story but a definitely the show which I can watch over and over again and still enjoy it completely.
  • The ending. Ah. such a heart warming ending. Many of you can say the ending was predictable, well, predictable in a good way. I am glad that it was a simple ending without any great complications. I was so nervous about the last episode thinking that something could go wrong with the characters and may end up breaking my lovely expectation which wasn't the case. Omg!! The father-daughter moment at the end just melt my heart!!! ahhhhhh!! can't get over it!! 
  • Most important thing is every character had their small little happy endings.


There was nothing horrible.

Park seo joon's character was very mean at the beginning without any reasons.I never understood why he was so mean with our Hye-jin. It wasn't pleasing to watch if the main lead just releases his anger on our female lead without any proper reason.
I only started to like Seo joon from the midway of the show, as it started to feel more natural and believable. It was like the magic of love completely changed him out of a sudden lol. The amount of cute scene we get to watch from them was remarkable. so, I better not complain anymore.
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Image result for park seo joon she was pretty
I absolutely didn't wanted Hye jin to become pretty again with makeup and cover up her cute freckles. I thought show's main attention was a girl can be pretty without looking like a god-damn model.
She can be beautiful with her inner-self . But again I am glad Hye-jin wasn't forced to wear makeup, She decided herself to start looking pretty, she did it for herself. Which is more important than anything coz There are so many girls out there who wears makeup for themselves ,not to impress anybody.

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Friday 24 February 2017

Top 6 Bias list

As a hardcore kpop fan, I have a lot of bias.
I think I have too many bias from every single group. I thought it would be fun to make a post about my bias list, So here I am, typing about my favourite kpop idols!
Warning: Too much fangirling happening right now, so you might find a lot of ''HE IS SO CUTE''  more than actual 
P.s:It's not in order:)

1.Tae Hyung
Aka V from BTS. V is my Ultimate bias and definitely at the top of my list. I mean how can you not like this guy? He's always weird and cheerful! He makes me smile,whenever I see his face.I don't think he has ever been sad, and I definitely don't want him to be sad. When his grandma passed way, ask me, seeing him all sad and crying made me teary. V is Charming,handsome,funny and unique. TaeTae is very cute, He always has those blank expression when he goes to any interviews  or anywhere. Like, he is such a baby!!!It's so hard not to fall for him!LOVE him.

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Image result for taehyung bts

Hahah, he is my favourite person i swear. His sarcasm is my favourite thing ever. He is sassy and playful.When he speaks english, I only just want to listen to him. His sassyness kills me everytime.I die with laughter whenever he does something funny! LOVE him.

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Image result for jackson wang

Blackpink!!! I have been listening to them lately. I have to tell you how much I adore Lisa. She is so adorable and lovable.How can you hate her when you see her smile! Her smile is the cutest, she literally looks like a barbie doll. Not only she is pretty, but she kills it everytime she dances!♥♥Love her.


I can't get over how much troubles he creates. He always stays in his own world.My first ever kpop Bias♥How can you forget your first love? His rapping gives me life to be honest. In EXO, Chanyeol was the first guy who grabbed my attention and probably was the reason I got into Kpop.this ''happy virus'' will always have a special place in my heart! 

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After watching various show of Yoonah, she definitely became one of my favourite and top of that she's a part of Girl's generation! Well, she's beautiful,she can act,dance,sing what else do you want?

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Image result for yoona

First of all, I love his name! BamBam. It makes me energized for some reason lol.I am not weird ok! I simply adore his personality. He hates being treated like a baby,but how can you not? he has such a cute baby face♥♥Loveee him.

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6. Taemin
Aka ''fan service king'' of shine. Taemin is literal meme of the Shinee. and this is the reason I adore him so much.The fact that he used to wear teddy bear t-shirt all the time when he was a trainee, tells us how loveable this person is♥ He's just too good looking for his own good.

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Image result for taemin

Tuesday 21 February 2017

Disappointed?Kdrama Review:Who are you?School 2015

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I've never been so upset about a kdrama. This drama had everything.From a great cast to an amazing high school plot, but the ending didn't work for me at all.I am sure I am not the only one who has been unhappy about the ending. 
If you ask me to ignore the ending, I will say It was a pretty great drama.School 2015 is mainly focused on bullying. It shows how teenager feels pressurized from school and how they have to deal with it.Overall, the drama had a good message.I would say the drama could have been more funnier and enjoyable,some part of the drama was a bit boring.The love-triangle made the drama worse in my opinion if you ask.I would've enjoyed the drama more if there was no love triangle.
P.S: This post might be full of spoilers! So SPOILER ALERT!!!!


Go Eun-byul and Lee Eun-bi are identical twins, separated after one is adopted at the age of 5. Eun-bi lives at the Love House, an orphanage in Tongyeong, South Gyeongsang Province, where the younger residents look up to her as a mother figure. However, she hides the fact that she is bullied at school by a gang of mean girls led by Kang So-young, while teachers turn a blind eye.
Due to bullying Eun bi decided to end her life, but saved by Eun byul. Eun byul's mother mistakes eun bi as eun byul, as she looses her memory.Eun bi starts to live as eun byul. where Gong tae kwang supports her in every position.School's star swimmer Han yi an who's Eun byul childhood friend and loved eun byul for all of his life suddenly changes and starts to fall for eun bi.(Which I didn't understand why.) 

There were really great moments in this drama which I truly appreciate.The cracky moments between our characters,Relatable situations,School issue, all had a great impact on the audience.
This show mainly focused on Bullying,which is nothing new for a school drama.There were other dramas which included bullying but this drama despite having an old usual plot, it delivered everything smoothly(untill ep 8ish?)and nicely.If you ask me, if I am happy about the drama I would say no.But the acting was commendable.
Starting with characters, 

  • Twins: Eun bi is our main protagonist as we only see her throughout the drama.Eun bi is simple and nice.That's the only thing i would say about her.She's just so simple and easy to manipulate.The character of eun bi was portrayed by Kim so Hyun, she did a great job with her character,so I will appreciate that.but I loved eun byul's character more. It was bold, sassy and she speaks her mind.
  • Gong Tae Kwang and Han I yan:I loved both of the boys.Both of their character were completely different which is great to watch.The boys were my favourite part of this drama. It's not like I ship one couple so,I would hate other character. In this drama this wasn't the case at all. I loved both of them more than anything. Gong tae kwang was relatable and quirky.there were some part which cracked me up!I would say Gong tae kwang was the star of this drama definitely not a 2nd lead. On the other hand,I-yan was completely opposite.He had good looks,talent and charming personality, totally a guy who I would develop a crush easily.
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  • So-young:OH MY GOD! i never hated any antagonist in a drama like her.Whenever I see I wanted to puke,the hatred was real! the character made me so angry that I literally wanted to go inside the screen and slap her hard. If the character made me angry,that means Cho soo hyang did an amazing job.It's actually quite impressive that a fake character can make you livid.
  • The plot:The plot was attention-grabbing. When you read something about twin sister exchanging school and there are two extremely good looking guy waiting for you, and top of that your memory is lost. when I was reading the description I totally got hooked.I don't know about you but I was hella interested haha.
Image result for who are you school

It's hard when you liked the series so much, and suddenly after 5 episode It completely lost it's track.I think the writing was what contributed to underdeveloped characters and a plot that lacked depth. Too many things were glossed over and left the audience desiring for more.Especially, from episode 1 When you think every character is contributing admirably, suddenly everything is up.I believe the writing of this show became total messed up at certain point, They simply didn't know what to do in my opinion.

  • I hate that I couldn't like Eun bi at all! Like I said, She was too simple and hopeless to be protagonist of the show.well, I definitely didn't feel like she was the one.One thing I absolutely disliked about her was, everytime anything happens, she needed someone to protect her.Either it's Gong Tae kwang,I-yan or Eun byul.She is the type of female lead who lets everyone fight for her own battle.At some point, I was like come on at least speak up for once? We all were waiting for that magical moment when finally she will speak up,but nothing happened!
  • I lost interest in love line at certain points, for instance when Eun bi just cared about Yian, to some extent, I knew she was going to choose Yian over tae kwang,as Yian was the only person she liked throughout the whole show.I hate how she never tried to even look at tae kwang in that way.For me, Gong tae kwang wasn't the second lead.He WAS the main lead.His character has developed way more than any character.We get to look at his Life story,his emotions,how he saved eun bi everytime and stood with her no matter what. One thing I didn't understand was, if he is not the main lead why the writers and directors spent numerous times with Tae kwang especially when Yian is supposed to be the ''lead''.It's unfair for Yian as well, I wish atleast Yian had more scenes and story line seeing that he is the ''main' lead. Tae kwang's character is incomparable to the other characters, in my very biased opinion. in conclusion,the supposed first lead character, Yiahn, was poorly written and not so amazingly portrayed while Taekwang’s character on the contrary had a million times more depth, was better written, better portrayed.
  • Coming back to Eunbi's character.I don't blame Eun bi for her feelings towards Yian,but I can't help but wish the writers had given to us some reason to root for their relationship,It wasn't enough for me just to like their chemistry based on some scenes.As a viewer I felt more connected to gong tae kwang than Yian.I particularly like yian too, but the love triangle thing is simply didn't get me.
  • I hated the fact that Eun byul's arrival to the show was just to save Eunbi and then dissappear again.Eun byul was more tolareble than eun bi, she was strong-willed and badass. why did she come back?? so she can sort everything out for eunbi and?? So Eunbi can live happily in her place with her mom, that was the most irritating part of the show overall.Eun byul SHOULD NOT have gone ''study abroad''. Eun-byul’s wrap-up was dissatisfying.she just gets written off the drama after coming back and save eunbi's 16 episode problems and give permission to date Yian. Going to study abroad let me down in large amount.esp When I wanted to see two sister's bonding time!
  • I wanted to see more about Eun byul,Just EUN BYUL. at some point I completely didn't even care what was happening to Eun bi, I just waited for Eun byul. Like, would you care for a female lead who lets other people to fight for her own problems? It's a NO from me.
  • I genuinely liked Yian to a great extent  from the very beginning of the drama, but one thing i didn't understand was, how did he changed his mind so quick?I mean, he liked eun byul for all of his life, but suddenly just because Eun bi ''the nicer version'' of eun byul came and you changed your mind???  Last episode, When He said ''I like new eun byul better'' I utterly lost myself. When he liked Eun byul, he knew her very well, how her behaviour was, how she is in person... then why suddenly he likes a ''new eun byul''?? 
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Image result for who are you school
They were so freaking cute!!!!
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DON'T TELL ME after seeing this pic you don't ship them!!!

I will say I liked this drama but it definitely didn't reach its potential.Whatever the plot was,it left a huge amount of viewers wanting more.As I hated some parts of the show, I still appreciate the cute TaeBi scenes and the relatable message they offered from the show.Lets pretend that the ending never happened. 
For me, ''The main lead of the drama didn't get his Main girl'' (hahah, enough of me complaining)

Thursday 16 February 2017

Top 5 Kdrama male lead who will give you butterflies!

Do you get that feeling when you see a kdrama character?  you make those weird noises when the character appears and makes your expectation from a guy even more higher.Yep, that's right, you know what I am going to talk about!
 Sometimes it can be hard to find that kind of characters in dramas, especially if you are watching kdramas, It's usually the second male lead who's kind hearted and sweet but there are some male leads who has charm to make your little heart to beat even faster. Every time you will see them your stomach will be full of butterflies.

1.Louis from Shopaholic Louis
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Louis just won my heart! He's just so innocent and sweet, He is not like the usual male lead who's super strong and mature like in any other dramas.He's babyish behavior made me smile the whole time i was watching the drama! Seo In-Guk instantly became one of my favourite♥ yeol from sassy go go
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Every time I talk about this drama, I feel like to go back to this drama and watch it all over again.Such a heart warming drama! This drama had the cutest leads.Kim yeol's cheeky smile,didn't fail to make me smile.I still didn't get over this drama.

3.Chul from w-two world
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Probably the best drama of lee Jong Suk. Lee jong suk is no doubt my favourite actor.Not only he knows how to charm his viewers with his looks, he sure did an amazing job to make me fall for him in W. I cherished him more than anybody after watching W.

4.Joon Hyung from Weightlifting Kim bok joo
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He was pretty impressive in weightlifting.The charming swimmer who's personality is to die for. I think for the whole drama he wanted to just make Bok joo happy.He didn't wanted anything other than a smile of bok joo.

5.Dal po from pinocchio
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again, another sweet character who is attractive and thoughtful for others.Dal po was always caring and helpful for others.He always protects and helps In ha in any kind of situation, what more do you want from a guy??

Tell me your favourite male lead who makes you smile:)

Hide and seek!Kpop Profile: ASTRO!

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ASTRO is the kpop group which won my heart in one video.They are so cheerful and happy group. This group has most charming boys ever.These boys are so precious and I feel like I will be one those people who's supporting them from the beginning!! They are literal sweethearts! If you don't know them, get to know them quickly!!
My bias from this group is Eunwoo.NO bias wrecker at this moment.


EUNWOO:Vocalist, Visual
SANHA Lead Vocalist, Maknae
MOONBIN:Lead Vocalist, Lead Dancer
ROCKY:Main Dancer, Lead Rapper, Vocalist
JIN JIN: Leader, Main Rapper, Lead Dancer
MJ:Oldest,Main Vocalist

is a South Korean idol boy group from Fantagio Ent. consisting of six members. The 6 members officially announced as group on August 14, 2015 via Fantagio SNS & ASTRO’s Ofifcial Fancafe. members were selected through Fantagio iTeen, a project to develop future young entertainers of Fantagio juniors. They were previously known as Fantagio Boys/iTeen Boys. The member who have spent longest time as iTeen’s trainee is Moon Bin.Their fandom name is ''AROHA'' They announced it at their debut showcase and explained that it stands for Astro Heart All fans.
AstRO/Hearts/All fans.
Image result for astro band



Eun woo is my favourite from astro,He's so mature I feel like.He's always quite and takes care of everybody like,waking everyone up and taking care of everybody as if he's the mom of the group.and top of that he's adorable!!♥♥♥

NAME:EUN WOO(Lee Dong Min)

  • His nickname is “Morning Alarm” – he always wakes up earlier and starts waking up the rest of the members.
  • Personality: cold hearted, but he is very loyal
  • He said he loves wearing tank top in good weather (esp. summer)
  • He likes to eat at night.
  • He can play the Piano, Guitar & Violin
  • Chan Eunwoo’s ideal type: A girl that’s curious, wise and intelligent.
  • Specialties: Swimming, Guitar, Violin, Piano, DJ-ing


Sanha is such a baby!! I feel like he needs to be protected, OMG I can't get over how adorable he is!!! Such a cutie♥♥♥♥♥♥

NAME:SANHA(yoon san ha)

  • Personality: pure and innocent
  • He attended A-Sound Music Academy, originally he was studied under vocal class and he mastered how to play guitar in 8 months.
  •  He is Christian.
  • His hobbies: Eating
  • He has flexible body, he can fit in a bag or in a cupboard.
  •  Sanha’s ideal type: A girl who thinks about him a lot and asks him about his day.
  • Specialties: Guitar, Flexible Body, Dancing, Fast Learning


Rocky is my favourite too.He's so good at dancing,in fact he dances ALL the time.He can dance anywhere and with anything♥ plus he's good at cooking!!

NAME:ROCKY(park min hyuk)


  •  Personality: quiet, very reliable and hardworking
  •  Fantagio staff named him “Dancing Machine”
  • He knows Taekwondo (he holds a fourth rank (Black Belt) now)
  •  He revealed he is a big eater.
  • His favorite color is Red.
  • Minhyuk is the 1st trainee that was officially introduced with Photo Test Cut.
  •  He would love to go camping with his bandmates.
  • He created the choreography for the Astro MVs “Fireworks” and “Wake up call”.
  • Rocky’s ideal type: A caring, cute and nice girl




  • Personality: tender and warmhearted
  • He was child model, ulzzang and actor.
  •  The food he dislikes: Tofu, red bean, egg yolk, chocolate.
  • His favorite food is beef.
  • He can play the piano.
  • His favorite color is Black.
  • His hobby is playing video games.
  • He loves American football and watching the NFL games.
  •  Moonbin’s ideal type: A girl with a good sense of humor.

I always used to get confused between MJ and Rocky, I don't know why! I feel like they kinda look alike,please tell me i am not the only one! But not anymore though.I love MJ, he's cheerful and funny.basically, He's always a happy bunny♥!!

NAME:MJ(Kim myung jun)

  • Personality: he jokes a lot and is mischievous
  • Specialty: Lame Jokes
  • His hobby is drawing.
  • Moonbin said MJ is a little bit weird (4D character)
  • His role model is actor & singer Lee Seung-Gi
  • MJ’s ideal type: A girl with a nice smile, a good sense of humor and who is similar to him.

His Smile♥


  • He’s often called the Slow Rapper because of how slow he talks.
  •  According to Eunwoo he is the latest member to wake-up in the morning.
  • Jinjin revealed he & Eunwoo are the best English Speaker among ASTRO
  • He can speak Korean, English & basic Chinese
  • His favorite color is green.
  • He can play drums & beatboxing
  • JinJin’s ideal type: a girl with her own opinions and attitudes